Advertising Page

Many people visit our web site each day. Placing an ad either here or on our upcoming events page is a great way for you to let other people know about your business. This is especially important if you do not have a web page of your own. Advertising your business with us gets you a web presence without all of the start-up expenses of a new web site such as domain registration, site hosting, and the real biggie, web site design and development. Our stats show this web site getting several hundred visitors per week, all of whom are potential customers for you, but only if they know you exist! Place a display ad in the magazine and we'll duplicate it on the web site at no additional charge. Click here for more information about advertising with us.

Advertise With Us on this Web Site!
Many people look at these web pages every day. They could be customers of yours, but only if they know that your business exists. Place an Advertisement in this magazine and we'll put it on this website at no additional cost. Click Here for more information about advertising in the magazine and on this web site. Remember, our readers are your prospects!
Do You Like This Website?
If you like this website, and would like a web site for your own business or personal use, we can help you. Just about all successful businesses today use web advertising. Web sites make it very easy for your customers to learn much more about you, your products, and also make it very convenient for them to buy from you. Especially today with high gas prices, your customers will be much more likely to buy from you if they can sit home and just make a few mouse clicks on a web site rather than driving a long distance to get to your place of business. We can provide you with a website including Flash animation, moving signs, pictures, puzzles, text, links to other web sites and interactive forms with on-line credit card purchasing capability. E-mail the webmaster for details and further information.

Note, the ads which previously appeared on this page have been moved to our new "FOR SALE"page. Click here to go to that page now.
NOTICE: Horn & Whistle magazine makes no claims or endorsements for any advertisers or ads, nor does it assume any liability regarding any aspect of the information presented in any ad, or the performance, condition, or operation of any item advertised; nor does it assume any responsibility for damage to property or personal injury or financial loss resulting from the use of any advertised information or items. Where applicable, always follow the advertiser's stated directions and recommendations.